Sources claim Katie and her Little General are fighting about domestic things. Tom wants another clone, Katie wants to work on her career. Tom is trying to run her career and choose her projects, but, Katie has her own ideas. She also wants to take baby Suri with her for three months while she works on that movie with Queen Latifah, but, Tom is fighting it. If she does go with Katie, Tom says he will send Scientology handlers with them. Somehow, I think this gossip is too true.
Katie is not trying to look short anymore, and it looks like Tom has her so stressed her nose broke out, or she had it pierced. I hope she pierced it and wore a nose ring to the Scientologist church meeting. If she doesn't take Suri with her, I will lose any respect I had for her. TC can fly in on weekends, he's working anyway. Gawd, what's wrong with him? He's such a butt head.
She looks really stressed out in that photo. This can't possibly last...she should just deck that little booger and be on with it.
LOL! I agree. And no, I don't think this will last.
Oh, but, if she sticks it out for 11 years..she gets half.
I couldn't give up my youth for millions of dollars. Even many millions of dollars...if I had to be around that rat all the time. I really probably would wind up in jail on spousal abuse charges HAHA.
I've come around on Tom Cruise. I think he's a wonderful person. He knows what's best for Kate, and the rest of us frankly. We would all be better off if we heeded his wise words...
(please help me there's a Scientologist holding a gun to my head right now and he looks a little angry)
Aw crabster..don't do it. No matter ahat they say those aliens will probe you. Wait, you might like that. I dunno. Heh.
I think we can sum this all up in 1 word - CONTROL. If Katie resumed her career and/or took Suri with her then she would have a mind, and a say in things and Tom just doesn't want that.
I read this too and I also read that Victoria is helping her get her independence back, so we all know who will be off the Christmas list if Tommy gets wind of this.
Uh-oh, Tom watch out! Katie has her own ideas!
Seriously, I hope he didn't make her sign a prenup so that she can get some well deserved millions out of this circus act. I'd claim psychological and mental abuse, manipulation and emotional distress. fuck the aliens.
She signed a prenup.
That'd be our dream for her.
I re-read that post and I sound like a chauvanist. But, I think babies need thier mothers. When they get older Tom's fine. I guess.
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