According to nasty ass Donna Hogan, (Anna's half sister), Dannilynn could have been fathered by Anna's long dead husband, J. Howard Marshall, using frozen old rich dude sperm. Donna said (in her manuscript)..
"To her family, she hinted that she had used the old man’s frozen sperm, and would be giving birth to Howard Marshall’s child,” the manuscript claims. “That’s my sister for you. That bitch probably doesn’t even know who the father is. Soon she’ll probably say it’s J. Howard’s.”
MAN, this is one horrid family. I cannot imagine such bitterness, and I am the Dirty Disher! It boggles the mind. So, by my count, we now have five genuine possibilities for the paternity of Dannilynn. There is Howard, Larry Birkhead, Zsa Zsa's husband, a body guard who's claiming she's his, and now J. Howard. This is pretty messed up. Another man, her Bahamain landlord and ex lover claims Anna told him HE was the father, but, he can prove a vasectomy.
That whole family is fucked up. Period. I feel so sorry for that baby. I wish they would let her be adopted by people that would really LOVE her, not just want her for the dollar bills that come with her. Fuckin vultures. Anna Nicole's mother didn't even stop in Florida to see her daughters body, she kept on running to the Bahamas. That's love for ya. Fake tears and concern, that's all I saw from that woman. They need to find out who the father is and then hopefully the little baby can have some stability in her life. (I doubt it, but I can hope and pray!)
They need to hurry up and test that child before this gets any if it could.
They really do. She needs to find her real father so they can bond.
this poor kid is screwed three ways from Sunday...regardless of who she ends up with. She might be better off as a ward of the state that could be adopted by a loving celeb couple. Do Brad and Angie adopt kids from the US with emotional issues? or just poor, undernourished kids from overseas?
Brad and Angie have to find the right choice for Mad and Z, remember? Brad should claim Dannilynn is his and Angie should agree. If those two are weird, at least they're good parents, it seems.
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