Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nice outfit

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Britney, that shirt paired over jeans is hot on you. Very flattering. Now, ditch the wig and own your shaved head. Do it! Just grow a pair and strut that stuff. Everyone says you're crazy, but, we're the ones who can't stop talking about you.


Anonymous said...

Nice green. Seems like it was a rash decision to shave her had since she seems to need a wig now.


lasvegan said...

Brittney, the shaved head looks good! I like it on you. You are a strong woman, and the shaved head highlights that. Forget the shit that gets dumped onto you, focus on yourself and your kids. You LOVE your kids and your kids LOVE you. If you are not happy, then your kids can't be happy, so do what it takes and make sure you are sober because if you are walking on a precipice, it is better to have your wits about you. Hugs and kisses.