Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No bag for you, ho

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Poontang can cry and stomp her stanky feet all she wants. She won't be getting a Lydia Hearst designer bag. Lydia feels she's too much of a skank to carry the bag. LMAO! Told ya.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Anne Hathaway all got one. Too bad, Pooney.


Anonymous said...

Seeing that Pooney's money can't buy her that bag: priceless!!!

Dirty Disher said...

It's funny. She can't have hoo. There must be a skank stamp for the applications.

Shawn said...

I heard about this on the radio this morning...the designer said something to the effect of "we only want our designs represented by young, interesting women who are making a real contribution to society..." what? Like birthin' babies and lettin' your twat hang out isn't interesting. I personally wouldn't let her carry my dogs crap bag...but that's just me.


Anonymous said...

She must be the worst looking, trashies young rich women in the world!! There noone coming even close that I would be aware of!

Anonymous said...

I love the pairing of that photo with this article. Priceless! Wah wah comes the wahmbulance.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! Seems she's lost us all.