Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Okay, here's the deal..

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I'm sick of acting nice all the time. Okay, some of the time. Okay, once in awhile. I cuss. Okay? I cuss and that's the way I talk. If you don't like cussing, go read somewhere else. I am also tired of mail about spelling errors. Most of the time it's just a typo, but, really, I am a normal (sort of) human and not a dictionary with tits, so suck it up. If it bothers you that much, post it in comments. I care. >rolls eyes< I am sick of giving a source also, because I almost always find out my pic sources steal them from somewhere else. This is a doggie dog world and I'm not wearing milkbone underwear. Yes doggie dog..not a typo. GAWD!

AND..get your ass's to posting. Damn.


Anonymous said...

hhmmm...that's one sick and ugly looking puppy...hey I'm a walking spelling checker, I don't go around telling people how to write. But something so casual as this blog, I don't care. I have fun reading your posts. To those retards that want you to be a walking thesaurus, first learn how to read. There's a DISCLAIMER at the bottom.

Dirty Disher said...


Donald said...

my ambien hasnt kicked in yet and i wont remember this comment...point is i emailed once for source and really just wanted to see u would respond...u did and i loved it. Maybe the emails about sources are really an attempt to get to know u.

That reminds me.... u gonna reveil u myspace page?

Donald said...

see if u would respond i meant

damn ambien methadone cocktail screws my typing

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! If course I mailed you back. Why wouldn't I? I don't have a My Space. This is my space. What ya wanna know?

Anonymous said...

Hey, look..I think you're pretty cool myself! I love the page. I come here once or twice a day. Keep up the great work.. little people pick on little things.. typos are a part of life..Remember that book "Don't sweat the small stuff"..sheesh


Anonymous said...

I like to cuss too. I'm glad I will be able to be myself on here. Shit!

Dirty Disher said...

Awwwww thanks guys. I adore all my posters. And I love hate mail. It makes me laugh, but, this constant nit picking over tiny things just frys my brain.