Thursday, February 22, 2007

Poontang goes off!

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Yeah, she's just pissed because you know who wouldn't let her in his house with thier kids, so she went off on the paparazzi. Nice. Sane. Pweeeetty. No worries.


Anonymous said...

Love those pics...

Shawn said...

I think Poonsy Dear is channeling Marsellus in some of those pics...she looks like she'd be saying "You hear me talkin', papparazzi boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass."

Damn she looks scary pissed. Maybe she at the bottom, maybe not?


Shawn said...

She kinda looks like GI Jane meets Charles Manson with a bit of Mary Poppins thrown in for good measure.

But, at least she doesn't look sickly skinny...she's got some muscle in those legs. Maybe, just maybe, she's not on heroin.


(ok, maybe the charles manson reference is a little harsh, but she looks really, really pissed off in one of those pics.)

Anonymous said...

I felt sorry for her for a second, now I'm just tired of her crazy ass that refuses to get help.

crystal said...

well I hope he takes the kids and takes them somewhere she can't find them and tells her to get her life staight and then consider being with the kids.

Dirty Disher said...

He has to share custody with Lynn. And yeah, Britney was going crazy..she yelled obsenities and did some damage to a photographers car. I'll try and find film.

Anonymous said...

My husband just asked if the rehab center had the spinning doors installed.....

Dirty Disher said..., I think they have a special chair for her. She pushes a button and it ejects her from rehab straight to a center table at Hydes.