Sunday, February 11, 2007


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Howard K. Stern was reunited with "his" baby, Dannilynn Hope, in the Bahamas. He sold the filming of this reunion to Entertainment Tonight.


crystal said...

hmmm selling the film for more then likey money doesn't seem to make me feel his best interest is in the little baby.

Dirty Disher said...

I agree. I do not like that man.

Anonymous said...

That man should not be near a baby or anyone for that matter. He is the sole link in two deaths 5 months apart.

Vicki said...

Now talk about someone who is "creepy"! And, I doubt he is the father of that baby. I hope they figure out the paternity of Dannielynn soon (before Stern has the chance to hide her somewhere).

Anonymous said...

I agree, he is creepy, but I'm not sure who is creepier..him or Anna Nicole's mama. That woman really gives me the willies!