Yeah, I'm making a post about phones. I see this shit a lot on blogs. Not ads, actual posts about phones. Like phones are celebrities. It's a fucktard phone..get over it. Next week a new hotter phone will show up and this phone will go into porn and suck Nokias dick. I hate this obsession with "sexy" phones. I still have one with a dial and curly cord in my kitchen and you know what? It works fine. I'm also sick of celebs being given thier phones and service free. Yeah, THAT pisses me off. The services are paid for by the companies just so we can drool over people like ParAss talking into her hot sexy fuckable phone. The old black trak I have in my bag works just as good. Technology is beautiful, but, phones are just fucking phones. How come no one gets wet over a blender?
I decided to take a quick snap of all my phones. They all work and they're sexy enough for me. There's a bottle of Dollar Store fabric spray if this post stinks and a quarter to call someone who cares.
LMFAO!!! I fuckin love you!
Haha...I actually like Apple's iPhone. Yes it's largely due to its asthetic appeal but it does so much stuff that would *actually* be useful to me like easily check email and yes, even your blogs. o.O
ok..I find I don't need a phone. Or anything outside my computer corner. Except my microwave, I have to eat once in awhile.
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