Sunday, February 11, 2007

Gross out of the day

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Oh, Johansson and Timberlake..the video..What Comes Around..thier passion...thier fireworks..the sparks that flew. Oh fark me up the ying yang, it's two fug players licking dental veneers. Sick. Stoopid song, stoopid people. A randy ferret trades spoogy spit with dick in a box, (which is kind of lesbone when you think about it.) I want the CD so I can film myself melting it and put it on You Tube.


Dirty Disher said...

AND, I'll run Greenday's American Idiot as the sound track.

crystal said...

yeah I think that is what they call "acting" is all about

Dirty Disher said...

I call it wasted tape, film, studio time, and oxygen.

Donald said...

they are hot!