Friday, February 23, 2007

A Suri sighting

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That protective slightly crazy looking woman is Tom Cruise's mother, Mary, at LAX airport with Katie and baby Suri peeking over her moms shoulder. Cute baby, scary Grammy. What's up with Katies hair? Don't tell me she wears those extension things too.


Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise's mom? Crazy-looking? Who'd have thunk?

Dirty Disher said...

I think the apples might have gone wormy.

Dirty Disher said...

Just some trivia..TC was raised by his older sisters and mom. He never knew his dad.

Anonymous said...

she always looks crazed in any picture or grinning from ear to ear and makes her looks more crazy.

Not sure what is up with Katie's hair, I'm sure we will see pic's though to figure it out.
