Holy Blogger, someone named John Santos (jsantos1234@yahoo.com) and a bunch of Molly fans have started a petition to get rid of Cord (last name witheld because I don't know it) and they are calling him a lot of insulting things, which baffle me. I read there every day and I don't see it. I told you how Molly left the blog to go to Popsugar and how I liked Cord. I can't imagine why they think he's a homophobe or a bigot. This bit of dog poop is from the petition...
"[M]ollygood.com has become the personal opinion blog of it's new editor, Cord (last name withheld), moving away from humorous celebrity gossip and being more interested in passing judgment on those Cord (last name withheld), deems inferior, or amoral by his standards, thus transforming mollygood.com into a ideological soapbox, rather than a gossip blog. "
Uhhh, correct me if I'm wrong John Santos, but, that's what we do! We pass judgement, we gossip, we type standing on our soapbox. We give our opinion. IT'S CALLED BLOGGING, YOU MORON! No where have I seen Cord use derogatory statements about homosexuality, race, fem isssues...wtf? This guy, Santos, is a nut case and I'm not only NOT signing his retarded petition, I'm writing him an email telling him off and directing him to this post. Shut up, twerp, we like Cord. He's witty. Besides, if you don't like him there's a friggin' X at the top of your screen. Click it..you dumbass.
And..bloggers don't owe anyone "snarky" everyday. We snark when we damn well feel like it.
I just discovered Molly Good. I love it.
Molly was great, but, Cord is just as good in a diff way. It's a great site.
Never heard of them...
if it makes you feel any better i only read this blog and perez.
easier to make you do all the work instead of me going from site to site
Love you too Donald.
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