Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tyra Banks is insane.....proof

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She really needs to stop doing this.


Anonymous said...

how come we never see tyra with a boyfriend or a fuck buddy?

Corina said...

omg.. look at her face.. priceless!

Anonymous said...

Tyra looks fat.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! OMG don't say Tyra's fat. We'll listen to it for a year. Boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

tyra looks fat!? omg the chick is like f'in 6 foot - she is not fat

Dirty Disher said...

I know that. You know that. Tyra spent the last 6 months telling us that. I don't need another "Tyra aint fat" phase from her.

Anonymous said...

The girl just needs meds


Anonymous said...

I love McPhee's face - er, uh, what should I do, help...