This might be a fun read. All the tips are from our fav celebs. Buying the book will cost a lot less than Parass Hiltons beauty tip. She favors Creme De La Mer (Retail Price: $195 for a 2 oz. jar) to moisturize her face every night. I had a free sample of that once. I couldn't tell that it was any better than my Oil Of Old Lady (5 bucks at the Dollar store.)
SJP likes to use public toilet seat covers to blot excess oil from her face. The paper kind, I hope she gets them from the dispenser and not off the toilets. That tip is gross. Jeez, cheap ass, buy some blotting papers. I'll have to take this chick to the dollar Store too.
Catherine Zata Jones likes to brush her teeth with strawberries and then eat the leftovers. She says, the fruit enzyme in strawberries breaks down plaque and helps teeth look naturally whiter. I'd just get seeds in my teeth and have to go to the dentist and explain to him why I did something so stupid. By the looks of this picture, Catherine Zeta Jones also thinks photoshop is a beauty secret. I'd still buy the book though..I need a laugh.
By that zit on SJPs chin my guess is that she is so cheap that she is getting them off the toilet seats ;P
Ewwwwww. I think she just needs some sandpaper.
SJP looks like a toilet herself..
As long as they don't mention duck's sperm (have a duck quack off on my face" from ugly Betty)
that's nasty
Oh man, that was bad, and Wilhemena fell for it. However you spell that bitches name.
I know an L.A. hair stylist that told me removing your Wisdom Teeth is a Hollywood Beauty thing. I guess it makes their face more defined he said.
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