Friday, February 9, 2007

Who is this?

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Who is Heidi from The Hills ? I really have no idea. I also don't know what "Stuff" magazine is. But, the men seem to. So here's some hot chick for you guys. She's very pretty and it's nice to see a girl who's not knocking herself unconscious with her own giant implants.


Anonymous said...

Could she be Brittany Murphy?

Anonymous said...

"it's nice to see a girl who's not knocking herself unconscious with her own giant implants....."


I don't have the slightest idea of who she is and what the hills is and what stuff magazine is. But she's been all over the net lately. What the fuck ever.

Anonymous said...

oh vomitous. 'the hills' is an mtv reality show that follows around a bunch of overprivileged early twenty-something Orange County chicks who now live in Hollyweird. pseudo-celebrity Heidi Montag decided to pose for the cover of Stuff (a mock of FHM). gag me. i'm with elisa... give her 15 more minutes of fame and she'll have huge ta-tas.

Dirty Disher said...