If we're going to debate Angies lifestyle on here, then I can't skip this story. Angelina claimed she was going to be a stay at home mom for awhile to help Pax adjust and the rest of them adjust to him..THEN Variety announced Jolie had signed on to play an assassin in "Wanted", and the filming starts in April...in Prague!
Here's her own words..
"I will stay at home to help Pax adjust to his new life," Jolie told the Ho Chi Minh City Law newspaper on March 16. "I have four children and caring for them is the most important thing for the moment."
She is also going to star in Atlas Shrugged and The Changeling which are said to be filming this fall. That's a pretty full plate for a "stay at home" mom. She can do whatever she wants but...Why does she say these things???
She says whatever she thinks will make people believe she is perfect.
Let's see...she didn't get into a relationship with Brad Pitt until his marriage was on the rocks (wonder why it was on the rocks?) she desexualised his relationship with Anniston by referring to her as his best friend, (If this were true, why would she get upset with him for sending his "best friend" a birthday card?) She doesn't stay in posh hotels on her excursions...oh. that's right she does; but for "security" purposes only. Her child is not as important as the adopted children because she was "born" into privilege...so why even bothering having one and why not just adopt another child into "privilege?" Oh yeah, Brad wanted one of his own. Madonna shouldn't "bend" laws and rules to adopt...but she is Santa Angelina, so there are no rules.
Does she ever even know what she is talking about?
As for the people who think it is such a wonderful thing she is doing, I personally wonder why she only adopts the really cute kids. What about other children who are deformed or have special needs and will never even have a chance at being adopted by a family?
One person's idea of a cute kid is someone else's idea of ...well...not so cute a kid. Poor Z looks like Flava Flav's kid if you ask me...not my first pick. To each his own as they say. Pax had been in a orphanage since birth and he was 3, so who's to say he would ever have been adopted if she hadn't picked him. Noone is perfect and I imagine she knows that as well as anyone, everyone has faults and membership (i.e. being rich and famous) has it's priveledges.
Don't feel bad, I'll never belong to that club either.
Uhm .... hello ?! Angelina said she would never date a married man or have a biological child ....
Angelina is a crazy bitch and a huge pathological liar !!
her dad needs to come back out of the woodwork and start his newsmedia tours discussing his concern for her mental health!
team jon voight!
These people ARE hard to read. They live on another planet. Has anyone here got a house like hers? As for Pitt and Anniston, well I like Anniston even less than Jolie. Anniston has no sex appeal AT ALL, Brad has a ton and so does Jolie, so they are a match there. Also, to their credit, they are adopting older kids. Most people want to have the 'clean slate' they want a baby, not a child with an identity and a mind of its own. Perhaps having four kids and a new husband has proved to be biting off too much of the apple. Who of us could handle so much change and responsibility is such a short time? It is a whirlwind, I couldn't do it thats for sure. But she is unstable, or was in her previous life. Good luck to them all, I hope they make it. Maybe she needs some time out in the workplace to get her head together again. Who knows???? Hope she doesn't end up like Mia Farrow, now thats a worry.
love is the only law
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