Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Aniston and Jolie....the threefold law

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In the battle of the witches of Bradwick, everyone thinks Angelina Jolie is a bad ass because she's been studying Voodoo with a high priestess once a week and has armed herself with many occult books and visits to famous cemetaries. I have news for the novices, Jennifer Anistion has had her beach bonfire and plastic dolls a lot longer AND now she's stopped smoking and quit caffine. Those in the know about such things are clear that witches must give up things (at least temporarily) to practice curses and hexs and make thier magic strong. I believe Jolie just LOOKS bad ass. I think Jen Aniston could magically kick her ass. Don't get caught in the crossfire, Brad. >cackles<


Anonymous said...

Just because someone quits caffeine and cigarettes doesn't mean they are practicing witchcraft.

Dirty Disher said...

Doesn't mean they're not.

Anonymous said...

Please save Shiloh from Angelina ! Brad is a complete moron for allowing hisdaughter to be called a priviledged blob !

If Brad had half a brain he would take his daughter and Run !!!

p.s the flava flav baby zahara looks and acts just like Angelina ! it never ... ever ! smiles !!