Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A bloggers keyboard

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This is it. The "news station." My staff consists of a troll doll in a poodle skirt and a pet rat with a head tilt. I dunno what those keys at the top are for. is an F9? Don't tell me, I don't care. It makes a good ciggie holder when I'm blogging. Also if you need asprin, coffee, chap stick (free from breast cancer awareness), barrettes, scrunchies, nerds candy, beef jerky (a girl's gotta eat) and the dust is free. Maybe I'll clean it up and take another pic. Someday. Hey, I'm busy!

Oh, I just noticed something..I never thought I could type without looking, but, I've snarked so much I've worn all the letters off my keys. That explains my typos..LMAO! Some of them are melted, but, I don't use those anyhow.


Anonymous said...

Scrunchies are so passe - haven't you heard? I still wear mine too though; thankfully my kids haven't heard the news.

Anonymous said...

lol that keyboard looks exactly like my hubby's

crystal said...

well so long as there is a place for your cig's lol.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh snickle..Scrunchies can't be won in NYC. Everywhere else their ok. Heh.