This is one of those tidbits gossips hounds live for. Brad Pitt did an idiotic thing, according to "sources" who are friends of his. Brad sent Jennifer Aniston a card for her B-day and signed it "with love, Brad." He told Angie about it in passing, but, Angie (who had just lost her mother) flipped out and raged at him. She really hit the roof, and I don't blame her. I guess Brad thinks he did nothing wrong, but, Angelina is still ticked.
And while we're on this subject..can someone PLEASE give that precious baby a friggin' cookie already?? I simply can not stand this anymore.
I'd hit the roof too. you know there's an old saying in spanish: where there's been fire....ashes remain. I'd be pissed too if my man signed some card like that for an ex. With love? my ass. Hugs? maybe. That just proves how clueless men can be.
Could that baby be any cuter?? And BOY is she eyeing that cookie! If I knew her address I would send her a box in the mail!
Poor little thing is always pictured drooling over some other childs goodies. It kills me.
They probably have her eating on a schedule and don't want her to be greedy. She's probably greedy anyway though, some babies just are. My cousin has twins and one of them, even though he just ate, will take food away from the other one. It's hilarious and you can only laugh.
Awwwww. I get sad and want to give all babies cookies.
So, I guess it's OK for Angelina to still be oh so friendly with Billy Bob? I don't see where Brad's sending a birthday card to Jennifer is any different. Angelina sounds like a control freak, to me.
Yeah - Angelina can dish it out but she can't take it. I can't stand her and it totally serves her right. A little taste of her own medicine? LOVE IT!!
I am read this article and I think this fight is reasonless. The fight between the couples is ordinary one but it will not become take unwanted decisions it will affect their family life.
brad pitt and jolie
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