Thursday, March 15, 2007

Did you watch October Road?

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So did you? The premier of October Road was on tonight, and I had to watch because it had Laura Prepon in it (from That 70's show) and it had the word October in it, which is a good month. The premise is some small town guy leaves his town and makes it big as a writer. Ten years later he goes back and most everyone is mad at him and Laura's character has a kid that's 10 years old. Cue the tears of a jilted love left to raise a son as a single mom. Sniff.

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The problem I have with it is, this guy is the lead. I can't see this dude, Bryan Greenburg breaking any hearts, least of all Laura Prepon's. Maybe he'll grow on me. His saving grace is, he's a bit witty. I know it's the writers, but, it helps. He's just not handsome. If the music is a sign of things to come then just say "sucky suck" right now. They are all REO Speedwagon freaks. And I heard strains of The Halls Of Shambala thown in. No. Oh no, they didn't. Yes they did. Is this a show for serious geeks? I'm a geek and I think I hate it.

The other characters in it aren't half bad, so I may geek it again next week.


Anonymous said...

i started watching, but when I heard the first couple of songs (not far apart from each other) I decided it was time for bed.I just don't like it when dramatic pop songs overpower the acting, as if they needed dramatic pop songs cause the acting and the writing isn't good enough. that's how i feel it. I think that's why that show "conviction" didin't make it, same crap.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, and the songs were crappy songs too. I can't believe anyone would choose them on purpose.