Monday, March 5, 2007

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is not holding her own

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Elisabeth Hasselbeck thinks she's some force in the universe and seem to have no clue Rosie beats her like a scrawny prison bunkmate. Throwing out her ultra conservative views with little fact to back herself up, Elizabeth just believes she's right and that's that. Then Rosie interrupts her with statements like "You are so young and so wrong," throwing her hands up as if to stop the Hasselbeck spew. Elizabeth can often be found crying backstage after Rosie tirades on her vanilla world. Hasselback says the reason they can argue is because "there is respect on that table." Oh wake up, princess, Rosie hates you and we hate you more than we hate Rosie. You ridiculous woman.


Anonymous said...

I hate her so much I can taste it!! She truely does think she is the Ultimate Know it All of the Conservative World!! She cant stand when the other women make good points about Bush, she just whines and then pouts if they shut her down! Why is she still on there!? Not for the Eye Candy, as some say, she's not that pretty and she's so frumpy, she is so uptight!!! She admitted to having some type of eating issue on air...maybe that's why she's so pissy all the time!

Anonymous said...

I have been a huge fan of The View for many years. However, I am becoming increasingly disappointed with this show, due in great part to Elisabeth. I have to admit that almost consistently; she comes across unintelligent, ignorant and uneducated. After watching today’s episode with Rory Kennedy, I was truly disgusted with the manner in which Elisabeth handled the interview. She went on a rampage of her own, not letting Rory Kennedy even respond. It wasn’t until Rosie interrupted her and quite rightfully put her in her place, that she stopped. This is not the first time that Rosie has had to do this. I believe that Elisabeth is decreasing the creditability of this long running program.

If she speaks with intellect and competence her views would be legitimate. However most often she speaks without understanding of the subject and seems to speak for the sole purpose of talking. Whether or not you agree with Rory Kennedy’s documentary, as a co-host of this program you should treat her with the utmost respect. Elisabeth, I felt did not.

I hope that her tirades do not continue. And sadly perhaps it is time to replace her?

Anonymous said...

I can not stand Lady Elisabeth...I thought that she was outrageous when she spouted off at 1oo miles a minute when Rory Kennedy was on..she interrupts and forces her stupid statements on everyone...How dare her... I fear for her is views like Lady Liz that make us unwanted and mame and kill innocent people..I hope that she has a son who has to go to war...

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is determine to talk loudly while others disagree with her misguided mind. Sadly there are too many like her, I know however, this is the only way to do our part to make a difference in this world.Ms. Waters is right, No-one is heard when Elizabeth continues to drown out the TRUTH! CAN'T REPUBLICAN FIND ANOTHER FOOL WHILE NOURISH THE NEW BABY IN HER STOMACH. WE, the citizens of the United States, should never, ever again allow another GROUP OF THUG, steal elections and ruin OUR COUNTRY. Talk that Elizabeth has been saying on the View all of these years, was a continum of DUMBING DOWN SOCIETY. THE DEVIL CAME TO ME, TOO, HE CAME TO JOY, HE CAME TO ROSIE, HE CAME TO BARBARA, you were only one to invite him in. Shame on you, shame on the children you have placed in this world. I'm afraid you are about to find out that even the Caucasian American friends have no trust in you. Being alone for the rest is the punishment for you and the Condoleessa Rice types. This is why America will never change,
so many liars ar in high places,"four woman were fired from a city government in the northeast United States for gossipping. This is the CULTURE OF YOUR SOUL-AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth is a complete moron. She spouts factless right wing propaganda which she really doesn't even understand. She is annoying, unprofessional, lacks intelligence, and talks over everyone. Why they keep her on the show is a huge mystery. Everyone hates her and she is unable to keep control of her emotions. Get a professional. I quit when Rosie does.

Anonymous said...

E. Hass--I can't stand her. I've half-heartedly watched the view since Rosie left & it is truly painful. Barbara gets on her soapbox, I can handle barely... but E. Hass? When she goes into her political rants she not only sounds like an idiot, she is soooo entitled. I have no idea why she is on that show. I love Joy & I think she secretly thinks E. Hass is an idiot also, but needs the gig? Any one else?

Anonymous said...

I like the view,but that KNOW IT ALL Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a pain in the ass. I wish Rosie had punched her in her big mouth, please take her off the show before the viewers stop watching because of that pain .She is the only one on the show I dislike,and I believe the other members dislike her to.

Anonymous said...

FIRE Elisabeth Hass-ass. Her and her "I THINK" Get a clue Lis, please STOP THINKING!! You show your stupidity every time you open your mouth with "I THINK" or "I FEEL" Get off Barack, he is an awesome American. At least he knows what it feels like to be a REAL American. You are the classic "DUMB BLOND" You make us all look bad. hhmm, looking at your roots, you aren't really blond after all. Stop trying to get another invite to the White House by shoving your Republican "I THINK" down everyones throat. WE DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!! GO AWAY!! You don't need the job anyway with that pro hubby of yours. You should be home keeping your eyes on him cuz if you think he's faithful, think again. Maybe if ABC gets enough complaints, we can get rid of Lis Hass-ass. I'm headed over to "The View" site to see where to send my View to FIRE Lis Hass-ass. Anyone care to join me??

Anonymous said...

I too, used to love watching the View. I stopped because of Lizzie HasselDORK. I cannot stand to listen to that stupid bitch. Nothing she says is interesting or anywhere near what is true. I don't think there is a person on this earth who is more irritating. I simply HATE, HATE, HATE her.

Anonymous said...

it is truly a mystery why ABC continues to keep the E-Hag on this show, which USED to be a decent show. I cannot say how many times I have written to Elisabeth to tell her off. But now, they no longer have available on the ABC website that you can email directly to each individual host like they used to. Now your email only goes to the self entitled "Viewmaster", Bill Geddie. From everything I've seen on the internet about just how many people hate Elisabeth, I KNOW that they are receiving negative emails about her EVERY DAY that show airs! It seems almost like the more people hate her, the more UNLIKELY it is that ABC will rid itself of her. But after the Charlie/George debacle that was supposedly a debate, I don't think we can trust ABC to make any kind of rational decisions about who they put on the air. I'm THROUGH with ABC! I was actually searching on the web for an "I Hate Elisabeth Hasselbeck" website, but haven't found one yet. Anyone know if such a thing exists? If not, it should!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see today (4/25) when Elisabeth argued with Joy that a pound is equal to 2500 calories?? She insisted she was right. Idiot! Even after Whoopi said someone told her in her ear piece that it was 3500 and NOT 2500, EH said she would like to challenge that. So she can never be wrong...even when the answer is FACT and not opinion. She is challenging how many years of medical science that a pound is equal to 3500 calories????

Anonymous said...

I'd like to launch a "Draft Elisabeth" campaign. If she is so 100% behind this war then she needs to get her designer dressed butt up out of that seat and go join up. There are a lot of mommies in Iraq who are now serving their third tour of duty. You want the war, Elisabeth - then go fight it yourself!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see that little know-it-all but knows NOTHING bitch gone. She can go the work for her Republicans. I've been watching the View since it went on air but that mouthy little bitch has pushed me to far. I HATE,HATE, HATE her. I truly feel sorry for Tim, I bet he'd like to put the bitch in her place. She must be an embrassment to him, a night-mare to live with. To bad the show is losing wiewers because of her. I'm one among many others.

Anonymous said...

I wish Whoopie would lay that bitch out. I can't believe now dis- respectful that bitch was on today's show.(4-30-08) All the back talk. She back talks Joy too. I would hate to see Whoopie, Joy or Sherry leave the show due to having to work with that spitefull miss know it all bitch. I was hoping she wouldn't be back after the birth of the baby. I pity her kids. She and Barbara such start their own show. I bet no-one would watch!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, enough is enough. Would one of you please take Elizabeth to one side and school her on how adults act, please? She acts like a child who has to have the last word. I have watched your show daily from the beginning, I have seen hosts come and go but never have I seen one so irritating as Elizabeth. I understand that your show is supposed to represent various opinions on current events etc, and I do appreciate that; however, with Elizabeth as a co-host I might as well watch Sesame Street, at least they don't all speak at the same time. I think the Survivor show suited her much better, and I would gladly donate money to purchase her a one-way ticket back to the wild.

Anonymous said...


makeworldbetter said...

I've read all the comments and must say that i agree with most opinions regarding Eliz Hasselb -- she continually spews the same dictated script WITHOUT explaining or elaborating -- one is unable to have a simple dialog with her -- how everyone around her must suffer, unless you have a sense of humor -- she has the mind of a 2-yr-old in a 30-yr-old body -- it's rather scary because she doesn't look like a 2-yr-old -- but underneath, yep -- a 2-yr-old mind -- this should explain the frustration and anxiety the listener experiences when she speaks. I wonder how she qualified to be on The View. Having an opinion is everyone’s right – being able to intelligently present your view to others requires being an adult.

Anonymous said...

E. Hass is annoying as all get out. Maybe she has a drug/alcohol problem. How else could you explain her psychotic rants and clouded judgement?

Anonymous said...

I don't get all this hate. Seems to me she is on the show because of people like you that hate so much. It draws the hateful audience. Americans like that, don't they? You all that hate sound like a bunch of bin Ladens, actually. I'm in the UK and can't imagine this country getting so bent over a chat show with different opinions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I do not like Elizabeth Hasselbeck!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just wish she would shut up on one, even one show! She just yaps and yaps and has to have her voice be the last heard- no matter what sounds urks out of her lips. I really think she believes she is extremely knowedgable about everything. Why is it we all can know stupid she is ---except her!
Please, stop talking Lizzy, you aren't saying anything!

Anonymous said...

I AGREE with all of the above comments ~ how did she get this job anyway?? she came from SURVIVOR!!! I can hardly stand to watch the VIEW anymore because of her - The only reason I watch anymore is because I think Joy can't stand her either & i like to watch Joy roll her eyes & make rude comments to her (soooooooo funny!!)

Anonymous said...

I have noticed of late the other gals tiptoeing around Ms. Hassle-ass, as she makes no bones about her feelings if she even thinks someone disagrees with her. She has this notion that she has to have an opinion on everything. Please shut her down so I can watch the show again. I cannot abide her voice.

Anonymous said...

And please, would somebody tie her hands behind her back. I'm surprised she hasn't blackened a few eyes on the set with her continuously flailing her hands about when she talks. I loathe her.

Anonymous said...

I have stopped watching The View because even the sound of Hagglebeck's voice was grating. She spews nonsense with no substance and seems to think that if it came out of her mouth, then it must be fact. What used to be an interesting show with informative discussions mixed with rampant silliness has become something I can no longer stomach. EH ruined it for me. Turn the channel, ladies - there are better shows on!

Anonymous said...

I thought seeing her snubbed by Glenn Close and Alicia Silverstone made my day. Today she had a hissy fit because she was put in her place by Whoopi and Joy. God, I love you Gals. She put on her poutie lips and said something like "I guess I just won't talk anymore" something like my 7 year old would say. Unfortunately, she didn't keep her promise. Someone must have been slipped her a librium.

Anonymous said...

She is easily one of the most ignorant woman I've ever seen on a talk television show. Elisabeth never has any documentation to back up what she says. She's walking, talking conservative propaganda (Not to mention holding the demeanor appropriate for a 13 year old girl who never get what she wants.) I used to watch The View often, and now I can't bring myself to watch it at all. It's a shame the show keeps her!

Anonymous said...

elisabeth hasselbeck ranks dowm there with that idiot- e.d. hill on fox news.(or should i say "was" on fox news-her show was cancelled after that stupid terrorist fist jab comment)

IMSoSANs said...

Again, why isn't there an "I Hate Elisabeth Hasslebeck" website? There are not words. This is what it looks like when a Bush-Bot allowed to exercise free speech. But, it that their ploy? Exercise their right to free speech to the point we ASK for speech to be limited? What does she care if someone says nigger at home? Does she live there? Is this person a productive member of society? I live among people proud to be Rednecks yet they have the courtesy to leave the use of nigger if any at home. Where they have EVERY RIGHT to speak without filter. Doesn't make it right that these people may be poisoning generations to come, but history dictates that this not necessarily the case. Sure we have inherited racism, but many people of all races are waking up to realize that it's ok to be different. It's even okay to point out and discuss these differences. People of all races are starting to talk to each other, acknowledge our differences and ACCEPT them. Truth is: more people will say nigger than will ever admit to it because it is a hot-button issue - RACE ALWAYS is. Her train of thinking will allow more laws that effect your domicile/castle/home your body/temple - essentially putting your life in the hands of the government a la 1984. It's probably already too late. ENJOY WHAT YOU CAN!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Hasselbeck shows grace and class in the face of a lot of self-righteous, obnoxious lefties in Hollywood. Just watch that clip of Silverstone snubbing her again. She looks startled at first, but quickly recovers and shows more grace and class. Something most of these Hollywood types don't know how to do.

Let's face it. Hasselbeck is a lamb among wolves. The View isn't a variety of opinions -- it is "The Left" versus "Hasselbeck".

The reason you lefties can't stand her is because you can't stand any opinion that is different than your own.

Anonymous said...

Who says I'm on the left? lol. Typical, anyone who disagrees with ultra-conservatives MUST be ultra liberal. Denying the truth and "saving face" while "keeping up appearances" is taken to an extreme by this individual. Geez come on. With the whole nigger convo, Whites will never understand. And there are things that Blacks will never understand about whites. That's ok. The point is just this, we do not need to all be able to be the same. Variety adds spice to life. I don't want to be like you any more than you want to be like me. Careful with banning words...1st Amendment in trouble. Anyway, EH is clearly a little delayed in her adult development. There are individuals on the far right that I respect. Republicans today or neo-conservatives ARE NOT THE Republicans of old. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

"Whatever" (?)

What are you, 13?

EH represents the view of millions of Americans. Are they all developmentally challenged too?

Your response is typical left-wing self-righteousness. And to suggest that throwing expletives and insults around "adds spice to life" shows me that it's actually you that's developmentally challenged.

Anonymous said...

It's her 'personality'. Everyone I meet like her I hate. It is a shame she's a television 'personality'. It's like she's empty. I guess I kinda feel bad for her - wondering through life unable or unwilling to understand that there are things she just won't understand. Not really. At some point ignorance becomes a choice. I love what someone said last year: "hate her so much I can taste it!!" Fact: No weapons of mass destruction. Fact: Thousands of US Men and Women have died in Iraq. Opinion: They've died in vain. I blame the parents when individuals like EH can't relate. Probably sheltered. Came from one of those places that tell their kids that kissing gets you pregnant. lol. These people actually believe abstinence only is productive. Right....those numbers couldn't be down because oh say, kids are having rectal and oral sex.... This section of America is descendant of the same people who believed black was contagious and FAIL to realize that education is the answer to teen pregnancy and the spread of diseases. I don't know why you're defending her like a sister. Can't wait until all their kids have stds and children...maybe then they'll wake up.

Off subject. . . oh yeah, HASSLEbeck is just that- a hassle. lol

Anonymous said...

"Everyone like her I meet I hate". got issues, girl. I hope you're not a cop or a judge...that would be scary.

Sounds like you're the narrow-minded, immature one, not EH.

Anonymous said...

"education is the answer to teen pregnancy and the spread of diseases."

Not according to the latest studies:

The real answer is found in faith and respect for God....which Jesus said very few would find.

Anonymous said...

I HATE HER!!!!!!!! I really do like the view, especially since Whoopi has been on there because she always puts Elizabeth in her place but, I just hate to hear Elizabeth talk. It disgusts me just to hear her when she opens her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth may be another TV personality getting fed talking points from the Republicans since her opinions seem to mirror whatever the McCain campaign is inventing that day. Today was hilarious when she started to mention Obama's "friends." Whoopi diverted the discussion before Joy could start discussing McCain's staff of lobbyists who helped him get the Republican nomination. I think if they did fire Elizabeth it would be viewed as getting rid of a divergent political voice rather than what it really would be - removing an ignorant voice from daytime TV. I think it's good to leave Elizabeth on since she's the perfect example of everything that's wrong with this country, and exemplifies the ignorance in the Republican party that has brought the country to the sad state it is in today.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is so self-absorbed, self-centered and so very ignorant. The View will never fire her because of the fact that so many people hate her and her ridiculous conservative rants, which seem to always cause their ratings to boost. That "tearful" display when she and Whoopi argued over the "n" word - she was worked up because she couldn't think of what to say, not because it's an issue that upsets her! What a phony. No wonder she's Republican.

Anonymous said...

i wish elisabeth was off the show, i love the show without her. hate her. her perspective is so skewed. she is a cute white girl and has had nothing but support and role models that look like her in her life. why do they keep her on the show.

she spreads the separatist thoughts that keep this country divided.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I see her stupid face and hear that annoying voice I just think about how I want to kick her in the face. She's so stupid and makes that show unwatchable. I'll tune in when she's gone. She supports torture so much, we should let her be the lab rat.

Clair Christine said...

I with there was a "I hate Elisabeth Hasselbeck" site. She lives in a bubble surrounded only by priveledged white people. I wish they kept Rosie and got rid of her. She's always interuppting everyone and pouts when it's done to her. She throws tantrums and is passionate about things she knows very little about. She's a trip.

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth really deserves to win an award! For the dumbest person on TV trying to impersonate an intelligent person!

You can just see how the others on The View have this "are you really that stupid look" on their faces, something they would never admit.

Anonymous said...

You are all just filled with hatred towards Elisabeth. Does it make you feel good to hate someone that much? Or, maybe you are just so jealous of her you can't stand it....yep, I think that's it. You can't stand that she's intelligent, informed, privileged (as you say),cute, and sweet. And, you say you can't stand it when she, excuse me, do you not think Joy interrupts as much as Elisabath? Why is it ok for Joy to interrupt, but it's not ok for Elisabeth? What a double standard you have. Well, that double standard comes from the fact that you are liberals, and she is conservative....and you can't stand it! But of course, it's so typical for liberals to think that their opinions are correct, and conservatives are incorrect. Joy is the most immature, obnoxious, loud-mouthed liberal I've ever listened to (except for you who like to spew hatred towards conservatives).
Maybe you should try getting a life. You're going to wear yourselves out with all that hatred you have towards Lizzy. Or maybe you just need to grow up

Anonymous said...

OMG - I was looking for an "I hate Elisabeth Hasselbeck" website too. I cannot believe there isn't one!

I don't hate the person. I hate what she stands for and how superficial she is - what a shill for the conservatives. Does she have an original thought? Or is she a sponge that absorbs whatever dirt and slander the Republican party is spewing?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad i happened to find this site.
I myself was browsing to see if an " I Hate Elisabeth Hasselbeck" website existed, & this popped up.
The best part is that for every hundred " We hate her!" comments, there's at least 1 or 2 " we love her!" comments, attacking us personally.
I beleive the bitch is still on TV because if she were fired, all the right wing propaganda psychopaths would rant & rave & find every which way to slander everyone involved for being "Hateful", or "Liberal" or Unfair, cruel, misunderstanding, blah blah blah. The fact is that we are going to have to suffer this giant ignorant loudmouth until the day she does the unthinkable, or gets caught doing or saying something she can't sweet talk her way out of. Im sorry, i mean bullshit her way out of.
I am no conservative...i am no liberal.
I have always been extremely fair to either side my whole life. Any personal attacks on me is assinine. Look at the facts as to why so many people hate her. Ignorant whiners, OPEN YOUR EYES! REMOVE THE BLINDERS!
She's a rotten example of a conservative. She represents them as deeply loathing, seething, spiteful resentful Ann Coulter-like C*nts who cant shut the f*ck up for ANYTHING!!!!!!!
She treats NO ONE with respect, and when she tries to say her "peace" afterwards & you actually buy it, you're no better than her if you can't see right through that crap. EVERY little thing she disagrees with ( which is 99% of reality) she GOES OFF on a rampage & no one can stop the psycho!

I tried to give her a chance. I tried to be fair. She is pure Asshole.
Ignorant, ugly as hell on the inside, mask of a bitch on the outside....fake...overdramatic..argumentative as all is so wrong with that little ass that she is so deeply angry??
I can't believe anyone can whip me up into such a hate filled frenzy like this little shit. Her & MANN Coulter will be greeting their fans at the gates of Hell, where the assinine bitches belong.
I digress!

Anonymous said...

She is a total jackass!!!!!

Elisabeth Hasselbeck's hair said...

The thing about this woman is that she is on this show to keep the ratings going and to create some drama. She is the element that viewers can use to feel superior to, because frankly she is pretty much a brute when it comes to common sense and on anything that would remotely resemble an educated point of view.

Anonymous said...

I hate the stuck up Elisabeth Hassebeck so much I can't even be bothered to write down the LONG LIST of reasons. She needs to struggle in life so that she can develop a sense of empathy. She makes me sick.