Monday, March 5, 2007

Gweneth Paltrows husband is an asshole too

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Cold Play frontman, Chris Martin pissed everyone in Brazil off. When a journalist asked him if he would ever do a duet with his wife, Gweneth Paltrow, Chris became agressive and asked the woman what her favorite sexual position was before storming out. "At one point, Martin reportedly griped that all that matters in music today is that your song becomes a ring tone. "

Well, DOH, Brazilians, of course Chris Martin is a giant asshole. Who else would marry a giant snooty bitch like Gweneth Paltrow?


crystal said...

well that was great PR for his band lol.

Anonymous said...

He thinks he is Thom Yorke....he married Gwenyth which proves he is delusional, and insane.