I've seen the pics before, but, they still freak me out. It's Angelina Jolie's brother, James Haven kissing his own sister. Now James gives an interview where he explains why he's single..
"Maybe I haven’t found the right woman because my sister is too picky for me. Any woman has to go through two filters, me and then my sister." James continues on to say, “I’m a perfectionist by nature. Then, because I’m so close to Angie it’s like I’ve already got the perfect woman in my life and it’s hard for anyone else to live up to that."
You know what? I'm going to let my readers take it from here. I can't WAIT to hear your comments on these two.
I'm getting sick to my stomach...
She really is a she-woman, isnt she? She doesnt have relationships with people, she owns them....ah, but have we ever seen her EVER hanging out with women? She just owns men and kids. Her poor bro proabaly had sex with her at an early age & she never let him get over it. [hart]
Thats beyond Euro, thats just strange. They seem in love dont they!?
Yeah, Elisa...I couldn't have said it any better myself...that's just plain icky.
Elaine S.
I wonder how Brad feels about competing with his brother-in-law for his wife's affection(?) Maybe it turns him on(?) Anyways, this whole situation is FUBB! I am beginning to think that Angelina is so completely defined by her sexuality, that it bleeds over into every aspect, and all relationships in her life. It seems to be her only means of taking control of people; otherwise she is powerless.
Has anyone seen the movie "Close My Eyes?"
i'm wondering if she's going to be kissing Maddox like that when he's a teen....seriously...if she kisses her brother like that, how is she going to kiss her son???
They are just plain poseurs.
The posed one (b & w) leaves me cold - I think they just wanted to provoke the masses after the outrage about the Oscar incident.
But having your eyes closed in what James describes was a quick peck after her Oscar win? Nope, not with closed eyes. Creepy.
Angelina is very smart. I think she kissed her brother at the Oscars to give him exposure. No one really knew who he was, and that put him in the spotlight. Still sicko tho.
is the B&W a recent photo? IMHO i really don't think there are any underlying sexual feelings there. i think it's all for show to be all "look at us making a statement and we don't care what you think"...
IMHO I feel that Angelina is very unstable and like Barb mentions, she does seem a little unfit to raise all of her children.
She is a home wrecker, with some very odd values on how to relate to ones own family as well as men in general.
Sadly, I'm frightned for her children's upbringing with her morels and behavior.
You know?
Shilou is in trouble, I think. We dont see her pictured in her moms arms ever, and she is a "priviledged" child because of her heritage (I dont understand that Maddox is a poor boy), and.....COMPETITION! just watch how this plays out.
seems to be a fucking understatement whe he says
"he is close to his sister".
"and.....COMPETITION! just watch how this plays out."
Just wait and see when Shiloh turns 18 and sues the crap out of the adopted siblings over the inheritance. Ahhh sweet revenge best served cold..
Jolie is a skanky, homewrecking ho!
She's got big ass lips and a bigger gap between her legs..YUK!!
That's gross. I would NEVER do that with my brother. Yuck! Gross! Is her brother gay?
damn not only is she bisexual...she enjoys incest...and we look up to messed up people like these..i would go as far to say that she is a freak of nature and looks like one too
Angie is beautiful, and I'd say it's pretty obvious that this is just sibling affection. These kisses aren't "hot and heavy". And seeing how their parents are so screwy with their kids, they would obviously be quite close.
They both seem to be very affectionate people, that's all. A lot of people are super touchy feely in times of celebration, and the original kiss was when Angie won her Oscar.
it is obvious to any wise brained person that these people's lives are ruled by who or what they "appear" to be;that is their job.they clearly are posing-one way or the other, for even if they do feel genuinely attracted to one another,it is lesser reason why they would lock lips in a psuedo passionate fashion when the bulbs fall on them at an award function and prove a point? shes just an image-seeker, a typical gemini, trying to be who she thinks she is or wants to be at every point in life. i think if she was a little less a projectionist at her self proclaimed powerfulness she'd seem like a truer person;i attach no moral limits to sexuality but i do to when you try hard enough to project it.full of shit.
I hate when people live this type of comments... you guys are haters!
They love each other, only as brother and sister, nothing else.. of course i dont do this things with my brother, but still i dont think its bad. Kissing is a way of showing love.. not necesarily means that you are "making out" or something like that.. They understand each other, and i understand them.. thats all tat matters! I love them :)
And if he hasnt find a woman its cuz he knows it will be hard to find someone as pretty and as smart as his sister, who for him is like her mother figure..! :)
And it's not just a peck. It's a proper kiss
I would never kiss my brother like that.
Never ever ever ever ever.
I dont know about anyone else but I am definitely into this. There is nothing more beautiful then a brother and sister loving one another and not being afraid to show it. FUBB
I do like Angelina and I truly believe that there is no incestuous relationship between she and her brother. They are just close especially since she was going through such a tough time. People should get a life instead of obsessing about judging others and assuming the worst.
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