Monday, March 19, 2007

Justin could give a shit

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I've been meaning to post this, but, I kept forgetting. Here it is...

A source said "Justin was coming out of his agent's office when a woman approached him. She scolded him 'Why won't you help her out? I've read she's still in love with you. Can't you just try?' "Justin exploded and yelled back 'Why does everyone keep telling me I have to take care of Britney? Britney, Britney, Britney! She's an ex girlfriend! Doesn't anyone get it? "'We're not together anymore. I am so totally over her!' "And he stormed off."

Thst's what I'm always saying. Why does he have to do squat for Britney? He's a weenie wanker anyhow, but, he still doesn't owe her anything. I like when he cries though. Boo hoo, Timbertard.


Miss Tia said...

i don't quite understand how ex's (be it husbands/wives and/or boyfriend/girlfriend) are suppose to do something for their ex....or care for that there's always all this stuff about jennifer aniston feeling this/that about brad-angelina and how brad-angelina are going to be friends with her blah blah not only would that not happen, who cares????

justin timberlake is probably just RELIEVED that he's no longer with psycho-tart britney anymore! she's brought crazyback to a whole new level...

Dirty Disher said...

I so agree with you. The crap with Brad and Jen is the worst. You just know she wants to stalk him.

Anonymous said...

let me just roll my eyes at that. justin has no obligation or commitment towards britney. they're over, get it through your thick skull you people!

cjksdlfhsd;fknsdkljf said...

all of this is just crap i know and so should u...that justin timberlake would not say "totally" or prly repeat britney 5x ......people have ta stop promoting the media its all lies and propaganda

Dirty Disher said...

I think he'd say totally. He'd be whiney too.