Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kid no.4 to arrive in a couple of weeks (or sooner)

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A short time from now, there will be another child in this family. The Vietnamese boy is 3 and a half, likes soccer and is shy. That's what we've been told. Sigh..I know people will hate me and I will burn in hell, bla bla...but, doesn't it seem like Angelina's getting a playmate for Maddox?? Like, most people get thier little boy a puppy...Angelina get's her little boy a kid of his own. I don't know, man, there's something strange here. Of course I'm happy some child is getting out of a third world orphanage, but, dang. Am I wrong? I'm confused.

Update...Angelina is in Ho Chi Minh City today to pick up her new son. She brought Maddox with her.


crystal said...

well if your wrong, I am wrong with you lol.

1st of all I find it so selfish in a way. There are so many couples that CAN'T have children and would love to adopt but don't have the facilities or money or have to wait years and years yet she can go anywhere, do her little picking and shazammm she has another kid.

2nd I don't think this is how you show Maddox your love - give him a playmate.

3rd word is that Ang & Brad's relationship is not 100% secure. Now I know it is a gamble for everyone, but that would be awful to get a brood of kids and then they separate.

I just think she is going about it the wrong way and it rubs me the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

It IS strange how she can get a kid so quick. She and Brad should have to go thru the same process as everyone else. My cousin adopted a little girl from China and it took them a year to get her. I wish they could have gotten her sooner to bond more, but the processes are there for a reason. It seems like the rich and famous never have to do what us average joes have to do.

Anonymous said...

I many people have been waiting so long to adopt and BAM, they get kids so fast. I'm not criticizing anyone, but if you have 4 small children like that it's got to be hard to give them each a lot of time and attention...I'm sure they have an amazing amount of help, but kids want their parents.

Elaine S.

Dirty Disher said...

I'd think it would be so hard to have 4 so young. I argee with you. Money really doesn't buy everything.

Anonymous said...

Okay - so it isn't fair to other parents who have to wait for international adoptions, but think about the children instead. There are still waaay more kids needing homes then there are parents trying to adopt. So they get the kids fast. So what? That's great for the kids sitting in the orphanage.

I can't stand Angelina, but at least she is going to 3rd world countries and helping the kids. She isn't going to an adoption agency in the US and adopting newborns out of the hands of waiting families. Now that would be wrong.