Friday, March 2, 2007

Kirsten Dunst is a liar

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“I’ve never come across cocaine on a film set… I’m very naive about that. I don’t smoke and I’ve only tried pot once in my life. I do everything in moderation. I drink, but I don’t go out and get plastered. I deal with my problems, so I don’t have vices over which I have no control.”

Yeah, there's a quote from a liar..Kirsten Snag Dunst. Why do they lie and then get caught? It's not like smoking is illegal..yet. So why bother to lie? Does she think we won't like her if she smokes? I don't like her anyway, so she can blow smoke out every orifice for all I care.


Anonymous said...

Considering how she looks, it would be sort of frightening to think she didn't smoke or drink.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! Mean ass. True though.