Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Larry Birkhead will NOT make deals with Stern

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Call this from the "What Is Wrong With These People" file. ..

"Larry Birkhead’s attorney has told TMZ they will not be negotiating with Howard K. Stern. They want DNA and that’s that. She said the only thing they want to know is “how fast he [Stern] will produce the child for a DNA test and how quickly he will allow that child to go to California with her real father."

I'm so glad Birkheads lawyer refuses to make deals with Howard, but, how long does Larry have to wait to get the DNA tests done??? Howard has made it clear with his proposed deal making that HE thinks Larry is Dannielynns real dad. So how long does a baby and her only surviving parent have to wait to be together? How long does the law allow someone to keep a baby that isn't thiers? When will we all know the truth? Is anyone else as outraged as I am? What is wrong with these people?


Anonymous said...

Birkhead should hire some Rambo to go in and get his baby!

The rest of this tale is outlandish, so why not an outlandish finish?!

You know either he or Virgie (heretofore known as "The Beast") got some DNA from that kid when they were allowed to see her in the Bahamas..Dannielynn puked on him for crying out loud..can't you get DNA from that?!!?

Anonymous said...

Legeal systems are stupid, inefficient cumbering beasts. I hate them too.

Anonymous said...

I totally massacred the word "legal"...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the Bahamian laws are but they should just hang out and gather garbage from wherever Dannilynn is staying. Trash has no ownership in certain jurisdictions. Countless felons in the U.S. have been caught by gathering their DNA this way. I suppose the contention is that some dumbass could argue that no one knows whose DNA it is they collected.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the hold up either. Surely some judge can demand DNA testing, so why aren't they? I don't get it.

He shouldn't make a deal, he wants to know if he is the father or not and no "deal" will let him know that.

Why is this being staled?
