Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lindsay Lohan denies being an obvious slut

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Blohan is becoming BLAhan. She says...

“I’ve never dated anyone I’ve worked with. Some of those guys are old enough to be my father! My mother once said to me, ‘Lindsay, if you’d gone out with everyone they said, you’d be dead by now!’ It’s ridiculous. I see a lot of men when I go out and, yes, I have conversations. But right away people assume I’m dating them. If I leave a club or a restaurant at the same time as a guy, it’s immediately thought we’re an item, that I’m either dating him or sleeping with him. It’s not true and I’m not that kind of person. I like to really get to know a guy before anything else develops."

Uhh huu, well, I never said any of them actually DATED your whoring buns. What a bad little liar this girl is.

1 comment:

crystal said...

it is only cuz they said no I am sure lol.