Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lindsay Lohan...still a c**t

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Lindsay Blohan is pissing her co workers off again on the set of "I Know Who Killed Me." The Blow is convinced she's a big star and arrived hours late for work, holding the whole production up. THEN she said she needed a nap, shut herself in her trailer and didn't come out for five hours. When she finally emerged, she threw up and left. Nice job Blow. Don't count on getting another one and just remember it's difficult to pay for limos and mansions with "I was in Herbie The Love Bug."


Anonymous said...

I thought they were going to replace her - hopefully after this little stint they will.


Anonymous said...

Wow...if I were a drug-addicted alcoholic, I think I would go to rehab. Seems you can have your cake and eat it too. It sounds like those diet plans they advertise on TV, "Eat whatever you want and still lose the weight." "Go to rehab, dryout(?), and still party your ass off to the wee hours of the morning."
On a lighter note, I'm glad she is taking this whole thing so seriously! hmmhmm...sorry had to clear my throat...