Wednesday, March 7, 2007've got to be kidding

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O.J. Simpson thinks he may be Dannielynns real father. What? Are you freeking kidding me? Simpson says..

"I hope they don't do a DNA test on Anna Nicole's baby. If they find out Dannielynn is mine, I don't want Fred Goldman trying to seize her money - or the baby herself."

WTF? Yeah, Fred Goldman is such a gold digger and you never did a thing to him, O.J. I want a law made that this Simpson asshole is never allowed to talk again. Why is he still alive?


MarioGeorgeNitrini111 said...

MORE about The OJ Simpson Case
Why were Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman killed on the night of June 12th 1994? And why that night? For some reason or reasons (which I still don't have a handle on), there was a lot going on that night.

Some backgound. Nicole Simpson "FELL" into a very bad "CROWD", and she got deeper and deeper and it. OJ Simpson terrorized Nicole Simpson to the point that Nicole listened to certain people about how to "get back at" OJ Simpson. This is what I can prove This is very general (There is so much detail in-between):

At a family wedding in Mid-November, 1993, my Ex-in-Law, Rocky Bateman (OJ Simpson's regular Limousine driver from approximately August 0f 1993 to June of 1994) and I, were in THE LIMOUSINE. Rocky told me that he had overheard Nicole Simpson and some of her girlfriends the month before, talking, while Rocky Was driving them to LAX in THE LIMO, having a Discussion (Plotting) about stealing as much as OJ Simpson's money as they could. Rocky relayed the info to OJ, and OJ asked Rocky if he knew of anyone who would/could follow Nicole and, according to Rocky, OJ Simpson said: "Find Out who these people were, and, Something had to be done about it." So, in THE LIMO in Mid-November, 1993, Rocky asks me to follow Nicole. I declined. Rocky again asked me at the end of December, 1993, at a place called Ico-Plex here in The San Fernando Valley, to follow Nicole. Again, I declined.

One of the items that was Illegally covered-up by some of The Prosecutions People that I gave LAPD RHD Detective Ronald Y. Ito and some others, were People ("The Hood Gang People") Plotting to steal as much as OJ Simpson's money that they could. I gave Bill Pavelic (one of OJ Simpson's investigators) some of this information in early 1996 Information regarding this Item (The Hood Gang). Whether he passed it on to OJ Simpson? I don't Know. My strong feeling is that he didn't. But later that year, 1996, OJ Simpson, FOR Sure, knew some of what I had done regarding this item.

Nicole Simpson was in TOO DEEP........She was going to go to law enforcement to expose several situations and many people. OJ Simpson and other's had to stop her, and she was murdered.

Who helped "Clean-up?" Well, one person is/was Anthony Pellicano. There were others.

This is what I can prove. In the past, I have corresponded with many, many people who were/are connected to The OJ Simpson Case in whatever way. In early 1996, I was in Daniel Petrocelli's office (Fred Goldman's Attorney). In January of 1995, I was in The Los Angeles District Attorney's office. I spoke with people from Johnnie Cochran's office. I spoke several times with Phil Baker (one of OJ Simpson's civil trial attorney's). I spoke with MANY, MANY media people. I met face-to-face with Joseph Bosco twice. I met with Tony Frost (Tabloid guy). There are so many, many more media people I have corresponded with. My list is LONG............REAL LONG.........................

One item I will always wonder to myself about, is when I had the Tabloid TV show Inside Edition (Eric Ritter) all ready to Investigate Rocky Bateman with me, and, if I wouldn't have Canceled on them, would the Verdict have been Guilty in The Criminal Trial, or a Mis-trial? or a hung jury?

Another Item:

Allan Park, who so many people in this case said was so good and clean, testified on the witness stand that he thinks he was asked by Dale St. John on Saturday evening June 11th, 1994, to take OJ Simpson to The Airport the Night of June 12th, 1994. But yet, on the Witness Stand on another day, Park testifies that St. John asked Him on Sunday morning June 12th, 1994, to take OJ Simpson to the Airport that Night. Now, Rocky Bateman tells Me that He told Dale St. John on Sunday afternoon June 12th, 1994 that He couldn't take OJ Simpson to The Airport that night, because he was going to take his daughters camping. Dale St. John's Limo, that Rocky had in His Possession A LOT of the time, was brought back to St. John that very afternoon June 12th, 1994. Now How could Dale St. John ask Allan Park to Drive OJ Simpson to the Airport (Sunday Night June 12th, 1994) either on Sunday Morning June 12th, 1994, or Saturday evening, June 11th, 1994, if he (St. John) didn't find out until the afternoon of June 12th, 1994, that Rocky was not going to Drive OJ Simpson to the Airport that Sunday Night June 12th, 1994. HOW CAN THIS BE? WELL, It CAN'T---SOMETHINGS WRONG, BIG TIME. I can get into this another time. It's complex.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with me. I GOT LOT'S...................................And I mean LOT'S.........................
It will take me a very long time to give detail's to situation's that I have been involved in, in The OJ Simpson Case. I just may have David N. Scott write a book, and Luke Y. Thompson direct my movie. And if anyone thinks I'm not serious, I AM VERY SERIOUS..............

The OJ Simpson Case,


The OJ Simpson Case

Dirty Disher said...

That was an intersting read and I do hope you write your book. As an onlooker, all I can say is, I personally belive O.J. Simpson committed those murders with his own hands and got away with it. It sickens me and shames our judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Um that my brain has defrosted from that diatribe.....
Dannielynn is obviously not bi-racial so why is OJ even opening that gaping hole in his face. He needs a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Next he'll be claiming to be Jesus and him and Tom Cruise will be tearing at each other's throats..hold on..that might not be so bad to see.


crystal said...

yes DD I am totally in agreement with you that OJ killed both Nicole and Ronald and what gets me even more is how he has paraded this around for years with a smug look on his face.

Now as far as Daniellyn goes, according to the latest I read -there are 4 possible people.

Howard (I doubt)

Larry (I think he is)

That guy married to Zza Zza (who is so humiliated, she is talking to her lawyers)

AND get this one
her ex husband who died. Apparently she had some of his sperm frozen (I find that hard to beleive he could even get it up at that age, but guess I am wrong lol)

MarioGeorgeNitrini111 said...

Thanks Dirty Disher,

OJ Simpson was personally involved in killing Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson, and, he had help doing it.


The OJ Simpson Case

Dirty Disher said...

I call O.J..the last insult to ANS.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what that long diatribe was all about; I fell asleep trying to read it. OJ is as guilty as sin and he's an insult to humanity. I wish he'd crawl back under the rock he came from.