Monday, March 5, 2007

The Pierce's fasionista advice

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The Pierce sisters, blond Catherine and brunette Allison, have made a name in folk rock. At least some people are calling it folk rock. I call it sort of boring, but, I'll reserve judgement until thier new work "Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge" comes out on the 20th of this month. In the meantime, we are supposed to take thier fashion advice. Suspended skirts and boleros are back. Uhhh, I'll pass. It's too youthful for me, but, if I was 19, I'd still pass. Boleros always look like someone couldn't afford a whole jacket. Oh, and layered necklaces, tell me something I don't know. It seems to me, The Pierces dress like thier music and I've heard it all before.


Anonymous said...

Hey who can blame people for shopping at Goodwill?

Dirty Disher said...

The good will has better clothes than boleros.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you have an excellent point there.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to comment on the age (19) reference in your commentary. I don't think you realize just how old Catherine and Allison are...29 and 31 respectively. They are obviously not teenagers and have great fashion sense - a youthful, yet mature style taking some old mainstays but giving them a contemporary twist. I don't see too many people who have the same style as them. And I would also wait to pass judgement on their music until you have actually listened to it. Their sound is unlike anything out there today - just like their fashion - and I doubt you have heard or seen it all before.