Monday, March 5, 2007

Scarlett Johansson and her beehive

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Gag me. Is Scarlett trying to out do Gwen for the fugliest hair do? She wins with this platinum looking spiders nest. And that hidious 60's makeup. She's going into the Louis Vuitton fashion show here. What is it about LV that makes everyone go all retro creepy?

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Her shoes sucked too. Ballet slippers are supposed to be flat. They look goofy. Like her.


Anonymous said...

Are you blind dumb and stupid, lets see a photo of you, you ugly twat!

Dirty Disher said...

You forgot your question mark. Here's a free one. ?

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I freaking hate that cow.

Unknown said...

You have to love ppl who go to someones blog site just to bash them anonymously. Bravery, I tell ya!

Anonymous said...

Odd how someone asks for a photo of you (meaning they don't know what you look like) and yet call you an ugly twat. Yet, it calls you stupid DD.

Good grief,

Anonymous said...

I like her hair - very feminnine and classy, as for the shoes - omg, yuck!