Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Scarlett Johansson says her beauty embarasses her

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Even though Woody Allen thinks she's a goddess (wtf does he know, he married his fug flat faced step daughter), Scarlett Johansson says the praise embarasses her because she thinks she looks like a boy. I think she's right this time.

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Remember,'s what's inside that counts. You demonic boy ferret.


Anonymous said...

I just don't get why is she considered beautiful. Hell even Beyonce, Diaz etc are prettier in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Demonic boy ferret....I think I tinkled in my pants a little... LOL!!!!!

crystal said...

I had forgotten your talents on the computer - those are great.

Anonymous said...

her new name is the scargot.

Anonymous said...

Perfect! She's never looked better!