"I'm really clear about my priority in my life, it's being a mom" says Teri Snatcher. Yeah right. She'd dump that kid in a homeless shelter if some man would look at her. If Ryan Seacrest would date her scrawny fug ass, that kid would be getting a post card twice a year in military school.
gosh she really is a witch! look at that face of hers. all those folds on her neck and chin she's horrible!
I think eating should become a higher priority in her life...and staying out of the sun.
I do hate it when celebs act like being a good parent is something to be applauded for. Hello! You want something to toot your horn over, go raise your daughter earning minimum wage while living in the projects and keep her off drugs and stop her from getting pregnant before she's that's parenting to be applauded over!
Okay...I'm done...
Elaine S.
That was awesome, Elaine.
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