Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This is the guy who got Paris Hiltons virginity?

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Tori Spellings brother Randy says he was the culprit who stole Paris Hiltons cherry. He tells this story...

"We were together for like two months." Spelling told us. "We went to Palm Springs once for the weekend, and we couldn't check into the hotel under her name because her grandma was looking for her. She was like 15; I was 17. And what do you know, I hear this knock-knock-knock on the door, and I look out and her grandma's there. And then I look out the window and I see Paris in a full-on dress with a suitcase running down the golf course. We broke up like a week later."

Ohhhhhhhh, PULease, she was so lying to you Randy. You keep on living in your fantasty world where you deflowered and innocent heiress. Truth is, she probably had a date with the entire football team AND all thier dads 10 minutes before you got there.


Anonymous said...

this kid is a #1 dousche-bag. no way, not even when paris was 15.

Anonymous said...

This guy looks like a cock-jockey...no way he even sniffed Paris' lumpy bumpy booty...much less popped the cherry.