Tuesday, March 6, 2007

This is TOO funny

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According to Mollygood Mick Jagger, Steve Bing and Warren Beatty hit Hyde last night and partied 'till they were asked to leave. The terrible trio started out old, but, alright..then the night took a wrong turn. Mick asked the bartender to crush up some black medication he had and put it in his drink, then the three went over to the entire cast of Laguna Beach and demanded they "Listen up and learn a thing or two!"

Lauguna Beach probably could learn a thing or three, but, the advice and manner were not well recieved and Jagger, Beatty, and Bing were escorted out. This story made my day. I'm still grinning picturing it. I'm shocked Hyde even let the old farts in. Jagger must have told the boouncer he knew ParAss Hilton.


Anonymous said...

They went straight from Hyde to the dog-track.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, good. I was worried they gotlost on the way home.

Anonymous said...

"You young whippersnappers! We'll get you for this! Now just stand still so I can get a good shot at you..."
Where was Mr. Burns from "The Simpsons?" He would fit in with this group quite nicely?

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ Mr. Burns.