Friday, March 2, 2007

Victoria Beckham runs from pigs

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Poshie, who's recently gone blonde, was the victim of a pig attack recently. Seems she was viewing schools in L.A. to enroll her sons in when she was taken to a science lab. Two pet pot bellied porkers decided to check her out. Staff says the free roaming mini swine were just being friendly, but, Posh took it wrong and began screaming "Get them away!" and running in her 6 inch heels. Everyone was laughing..behind her back.

Having just been the victim of a crazed whitetail deer myself, I'm not laughing at you Victoria. Well, maybe a little. Heh.

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Did she look like this??


Anonymous said...

ew. I can't believe pretty boy Beckham fucks *that* every night.

NeedWeed said...

I know she have no Meat this bitch. Gio back to england you fucking fry ass fish. Fucking coming to LA and think she is something big. She is just a biatch spending the cash of her ghusband and she think she is hot