What Angelina really said..word for friggin' word...
"I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they’re survivors, they came through so much. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her...I met my other kids when they were 6 months old, they came with a personality. A newborn really is this (at this point the interviewer says "blob?")...Yes, a blob! But now she’s starting to have a personality...I’m conscious that I have to make sure I don’t ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable.”
There you have it. She DID say it. Do I think she's a bad mom?..no. Do I think she doesn't love Shiloh? Of course not. But, clearly the adopted ones are more important to her. That's warped and I can't forgive her. If you think I'm wrong..that's your entitled opinion, but, do not ever tell me she didn't say it because she damn sure did. And..I would have used a more recent photo of her and Shiloh if it wasn't almost impossible to find one. This woman may mean well (and do some good in the world), but, she's fucked up in the head. That's MY entitled opinion.
I think you are being a little hard on her. She was lost for words trying to describe a new-born (after all she never had one of those - the adopted ones that already had little characters and cute smiles) and the journo put the word 'blob'in her mouth. Gees I could easily have said the same about my newborn, all they do is vomit, cry, pee, poo and sleep. Nevertheless I'll bet she noticed the difference in her feelings towards her own flesh and blood. After all that baby was created by the bond of love she shares with Brad. The adopted kids didn't come to her that way and maybe she is trying to balance things out a bit. Further on in the interview she says that her baby is white like her parents and shares her parents genes and lives within her own culture, and that puts her streets ahead of the adopted kids who are alienated from parents, family, country and culture. I think that's what she meant when she said she felt for her adopted kids. I like to think the best of people, especially people who are taking the trouble to use their celebrity to try and make the rest of us 'blobs' understand the poverty and pain and misery that is hidden from us by our wealth and prosperity and ignorance. Which of you guys would board a plane and visit a refugee camp in order to better understand the problem?
Very well stated biodad...couldn't have said it better myself. I wholeheartedly agree that when she says she "felt" for her other children does not mean she loves them more, but felt sorrow at what they had to endure, whether or not they will remember it later in life, they still had to go thru it. Angelina is different, yes, but unique is not a crime. And I think that when she kissed her bro it was for shock value only.
But opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. This is mine.
I think that was an awful thing for a mother to say. yes the interviwer originated with the word "blob" but she sure as hell should have said no that is not what I meant if it wasn't, but what did she do? - she fucking agreed. What mother would call their newborn a blob? No personality - that is a load of crap. A newborn has a ton of personality, perhaps not as a 6 month old but again for her to comdemn her child that way I think is wrong. She could have and should have said - Shilou is younger and I met the others at 6 months, but she has her own uniqueness of personality about her and I just love her.
She clearly doesn't not love Shilou but I think what she said doing is wrong - she is putting 1 child before the other and I think later on in life is Shilou ever read this, she will feel the same way.
Yup everyone has their own opinion, but my opinion agrees with DD and she should be ashamed of herself if she didn't mean all this to sound like what people are interpreting, then she sure as hell should be posting something to renege and it it perfectly clear what she meant. Someone calls her a bitch and they get sued or she asks for an apology - she calls her child a blob and it is fine? Pffft it is not fine.
totally, 200 million percent agree with biodad. you took the idea out of my mind but articulated it much better
So far this is an intelligent debate. I'm glad I have smart readers, I can tell you that.
I agree with Biodad to a degree. I don't think she meant anything negative when she said blob. Merriam-Webster dictionary states that blob means (a small drop or lump of something viscid or thick b : a daub or spot of color). I think she just meant that the baby hadn't developed its own personality yet. The adopted kids had one when she found them. Babies, though they are adorable, really don't do much other than fill our lives and do pretty much what biodad stated. I believe she loves her children. I for one am a fan. I like her and what she stands for. Some things she has done for shock value, I can't say she hasn't, but hey we've all done our wild things. She's just not so shy about it.
As much as I love AG, who the hell calls their children "blobs"!!!!! There's an old saying "what speaks the mouth the heart feels". Nuff said.
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