Tuesday, March 6, 2007

whore alert

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The Blow has her sites set on a bigger fish than Cisco Adler or Kevin Federline now (and by bigger fish, I mean more important chicks to piss off.) She's so hot to trot with Reese Witherspoons ex, Ryan Philleppe, that she's been sending hook up messages with his friends and calling him non stop. Ryan won't answer her calls and told friends "She's so not my type."

Lindsay Blohan is nothing but trouble, drunk or sober. It's a wonder some starlett hasn't off'd her by now. I wish she's go after Brooke Hogans man. Does Brooke have a man? Ha..that'd be SWEET. There'd be like a Blow-puddle left on the club floor.


Anonymous said...

Ben Affeck! She should go after Ben Affleck, so we can all see Jennifer Garner go "Alias" on her worn out used up ass!

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah! Jen Garner is sober too. She'd totally go alias on her.

crystal said...

yeah rehab did wonders for her.