Daryl thinks she wants to adopt an American child, maybe not a baby, but a hard to adopt kid. I'll believe it when I see it. She also talks about Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith and the "green" movement...
"Melanie and Antonio's 10-year-old daughter Stella has convinced them to 'green' their houses, so I'm going to help them get solar power in their five homes and get their cars on biodiesel."
“I don’t want to buy eco-jeans made by slave labor, or chocolate harvested by kidnapped children, any more than biofuels from slash-and-burn operations or imported from halfway around the world,” she said, stressing that individuals could affect change at home by just unplugging appliances or drying their laundry on outdoor clotheslines."
Ummm, yeah right. Am I the only one who thinks celebs talking about green is turning me off to the whole idea? I mean, if Antonio and Melanie really want to be all green wouldn't the first step be NOT owning five frickin' homes?? And does Daryl Hannah really think I believe she washed that dress herself and hangs it on her clothes line? Celebrites need to shut up and mind their own. Us ordinary people are the masses, not them with thier five homes and pocket cash to run out and by a half dozen green cars. They don't live in reality in any way and they piss me off. And when I get pissed off, I get rebellious. Green can kiss my fat white styrofoam lovin' ass..I don't care anymore. When I get three personal jets in my yard, then I can talk shit about toilet paper and clothes lines. The world will eventually recover from humans and celebrities and most likely we will be extinct, and I hope Daryl Hannah and these other shit talkers go first. Except John Travolta who will be living in a gigantic dome home on another planet. I'll be living in a tiny dome dump with a crappy life support system that doesn't work right and my TP consumption will be monitored by Sheryl Crow. Kill me now.
How often do we listen to these celebrities mouth-off an uneducated opinion and expect the rest of us to heel?. From Streisand misquoting T. Jefferson and Shaekespeare, to Rosie saying that the twin towers was the first time fire and fuel melted steel. Al Gore's real Inconvenient Truth is the he is bloated with hot gases and a carbon footprint that will bring back Dinosaurs. On December 21. 2012 our planet will complete a 26,000 year old cycle and a wooble that re-aligns its axis with the sun. Because the Sun's rays are impacting Earth from different angles; geothermal patterns are affected. So, keep on trucking, 'cause Xenu loves you.
Heh, ty.
Listening to these rich bitches with their private jets and tour buses pisses me the fuck off. They better lead by example if they want anyone to listen to their babbling bullshit. Fuckers.
"I believe in green trees, cars that run a natural things like cotton, and, of course, world peace".
That's how silly they sound. I guess if espousing envionmental theories gets your pic in a blog, then by all means, said the agent, go for the publicity.
One piece of TP is my all time fav though.
I meant to ask Cheryl Krow, are you talking One or Two Ply?
I totally agree.
Most of us have jobs and lives that we stay very monotonously busy at 24/7. We don't have personal assistants to call, or simply turn to and rattle off instructions on taking care of our needs, we have to do it ourselves. Now, these celebs have assistants, and jobs that they go to intermittently. I know that SOME days they shoot 12-14 hours. But, I am sure those do not go on forever, and there are times when they don't have any job at all. So, not only do they have people to wait on them, but they also have time that we will never have in our regular little lives!
I think we should just pat ourselves on the back when we turn off unused lights, water drippping, and turn the thermostat down a degree. Frick limiting TP to one square. That is truly ludicrous, and Sheryl Crow should have kept her bony ass mouth shut!!
Let's just do the possible, and not worry about the insane! Like I don't have enough to worry about without worrying about global warming changing my world adversly!!
And, like Sheryl or Darryl are women who are really in full, sane control of their lives??!! Right.
Sorry for venting!
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