Friday, April 20, 2007

Gillian Anderson hates TV

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London Telegraph’s John Preston asked Gillian Anderson about possibly returning to TV some day, she screeched, “Oh, shut the [bleep] up! Are you kidding me? My God, I don’t even watch television. I don’t like television. I never have liked it. The whole concept of sitting down in front of a TV feels like one of the things that’s destroying society, as far as I’m concerned.”

Does someone need a reality check here? I don't remember a damn thing she ever did except X-Files. I'm so sorry being a major TV star ruined society for her. What a snooty and stupid thing to say. I don't even want to watch her re-runs now. Well, maybe for Mulder, yeah, just for Mulder. I'll close my eyes when the bitch comes on.


Anonymous said...

Sitting down to watch Maury is destroying society. Sitting down and watching the History Channel and the Discovery Channel have helped teach me a lot of things I wouldn't have learned in a classroom. I'm so sick of people on their high horse about television as though it has absolutely no redeeming value. It's such a simplistic thing to say and indicates that she is just parroting a bunch of bullshit that some hippie told her in the supermarket line last week before giving her a bumper sticker.

Dirty Disher said...

Very well put.

Anonymous said...

She's also not a big fan of a bra or sunlight.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch tv. I haven't watched a television show in over 9 years. Why? I don't like it either. Just too much nonsense. Yes granted A&E and the History channel and the like are good learning tools, or can be. I just don't find it entertaining. But then that's "me". I wouldn't preach to people about it. We all have our hobbies and interests and we're all different. It makes the world interesting.
