James Haven says Shiloh was named after him, he says his middle name was originally Shiloh...
He said, "At the last second, my parents gave me Haven instead. It was very cool when Brad and Angie came to me and said: 'We're thinking of names and our favourite is Shiloh. We know that was your original name, so would that be OK?'. "I was almost in tears - I was so honored."
Oh, why doesn't this weirdo shut the F up? If I see him slurping face with his freaky sister one more time, I'll puke. I doubt his original name was Shiloh unless that means incest in some unknown hippie language.
Could HE be the father? Naw just kidding!
I dont know about all that, but, I DO think she did her brother. She screwed him up and he can't get passed it. Ppl will hate me for saying that, but, I don't care. She SOOOOO screwed her brother.
isn't there tongue in that kiss there?? you know he's know it....yeah, they screwed each other....absolutely...
uh oh....if she did it with her "real" brother she will allow her kids to do each other too then huh??? they aren't even related...
and you know, what's her relationship with Maddox going to be like in say 10/12 years time??? i mean seriously....
where's her dad?? team voight!!! he needs to start his 'angelina is mentally ill' campaign again!
there is just too much wrong with this pic to even start yuck yuck and yuck
Speaking of Shiloh ... I am sure that crazy bitch Angelina will try stealing Shiloh's boyfriends !!
Brad is such a dumb f*ck for staying with the WHOREder Angelina !
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