Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Katie Holmes has to take Scientology parenting classes

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Tom Cruise thinks Katie needs parenting classes and he's making her take them through the Scientology Center. Katie, suggested that Suri (when she's old enough) could take some classes in the Catholic religion last week, so this is what she gets. The Little General must have blown a fuse and now she's got to sit through more of the Scientology crap.

Katie is surrounded by Scientology "handlers", there are even Scientology "minders" who have followed her around from day one, and word's out she's had it up to here with Scientology. The only person she's allowed to hang out with who isn't a Scientologist is Posh Beckham. I don't know why Tom lets her hang with Posh, who has openly said she'll never give her money to that lunacy...except the Beckham's make the Cruise's look normal. Maybe it's part of Toms publicity campaign. I can't wait for the day Katie loses it completly and slams one of her forbidden high heels through Tom's forehead.


Anonymous said...

No one should put up with that. She needs to get her self esteem and independence back. He's mentally abusing the poor woman.


Anonymous said...

Katie deserves what ever she gets from the little general. Thank God Nicole Kidman got away from that whack-O.

Anonymous said...

I hope one day Katie can tell her story. I doubt it though, because Lord Xenu surely had his galactic lawyers draft an air-tight pre-nuptial directive that was then telepathically disseminated to Tom Mapapotherfrenjensen. If she opens her mouth; a 747 will retake her soul and feed it to a volcano. Yes Eliza, good point. tom is probably mentally abusing the poor woman. She looks so different, and not in a good way.

What is Tom's relationship with his old cover Nicole? or Penelope? or that other guy?.

Anonymous said...

Katie could have scored some other rich guy. Someone normal... Why why?

High heels up Tom's arse.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to loose a bit of sad feelings for Katie. The whole world knows that Nicole wanted to send her kids to a Catholic school and/or learn a bit of their faith and Tom forbid it, caused her to totally loose her kids to him and his religion - Katie should have known this and now for her to suggest this to Tom - I don't get it - does she think "love" will conqueor all, did she not beleive Nicole or the stories about Tom, does she really beleive she will have any say in the upbringing of her child - if she wants any type of life and life with Suri, she really needs to get away from Tom now.


Anonymous said...

oh and I forgot - now THAT is a happy family picture - NOT.


Anonymous said...

Love is blind and hindsight is 20/20. I feel sorry for her, but at least she didn't let him brainwash her with his garbage.

Anonymous said...

She sold her soul to the devil. All the money & clothes & face lifts ad nauseam will not make her happy the way she obviously once thought it would. There's gotta be one hell of a pre-nup in this deal. Also, I genuinely believe that if she took off with Suri, her life would turn into a never-ending nightmare; and her core existence would become riddled with paranoia and severe anxiety...he's an awful man capable of doing awful things.
Her parents, who seem to be nice folks, must be sick.

Anonymous said...

tom looks like a howler monkey in this photo.

Anonymous said...

I like Katie's "Jackie-O" look. I think she's hiding behind those glasses so no one sees the real hell she's in.

I don't think it's possible for this nut bag marriage to make it and I predict that when she leaves - as she inevitably will - that Suri will be a little flash in her rearview mirror. The day will come when she will choose her sanity over her kid (sad but i think true)...Nicole did and I don't think Katie has mastered the "life" enough to last as long as Nic did.
