They all think they're the star of the Anna Nicole Smith movie which will be spewed out of some meda whores anus very soon in order to cash in on the sensationalisim they THINK we crave.
First we have unknown, but, according to her, oh, so experienced Willa Ford. The F-listed nobody thinks she's a dead ringer (no pun intended) for Anna Nicole and this is her vehicle to stardom. Personally, I think just about any mental patient who's bleach blonde with huge knockers and a slur could play Anna Nicole, but, this brain dead bitch doesn't resemble her at all.
Then we have "style maker" Bobby Trendy playing himself in the movie. Yeah, he sold Anna Niclole bordello cheetah print chairs and tacky pink velvet walls. That makes him an important person in the true story of her life.
Last, but, not least, we have Anna's hairdresser, (who'd brag about that?) Daniel DiCriscio. He's all like "Im the star, I'm the star!" Now DiCriscio disses Bobby Trendy and tells him he has no business in this movie, throwing a royal hissy and threatening to kick Trendys ass. Trendy responded by making fun of Di Criscio in a short film that rambles about bad hair and a bunch of other insane crap that makes no sense. I'm just waiting for whatever bulldog faced old beer barrel they got to play Vergie to smack them all in the face with the graveside shovel.
Yeah, I know no one cares..that's my whole point. No one cares about this stupid movie they're going to slap together for 16 dollars and shove in our faces like we're all ignorant trailer trash poon just dying to see what the life of a dead, what was she again? Trimspa baby! Dear producer whores..shove this movie in your ass and be sure and take Bobby Trendy with you to redecorate your rectum.
Law and Order - Criminal Intent has made one show based on Anna Nicole's life soon before death...including the untimely death of her son. Should be in a couple of weeks, and I bet will be ions better than the slapped together with F-Listers movie!
Yep. You know it.
The movie does look hopeless, it's probably going to even be difficult to appreciate as camp. The bimbo in the lead is ridiculously miscast. Anna's lack of class and intelligence aside, she was legitimately beautiful. Willa just looks like any random bleach-blond whore wearing too much makeup.
Now I do think Bobby Trendy is funny, that video is hilarious, but the movie is obviously going to be a no-budget stinker. Not that the material couldn't work in the right hands, John Waters could probably make a great comedy out of it. Does Bobby not seem like a character from one of Waters' movies? He does to me.
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