Friday, May 25, 2007

Cousin Allie..the hired help?

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There are photos of Brineys cousin Allie, hanging with Avril Lavigne, floating around the net, sparking rumors that Allie is hired help. Avril who thinks she's a real star, is most famous lately for dissing Britney Spears every chance she gets, calling Brit an attention seeker who can't handle fame and a "ho." So, hired help, huu?

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Britney on her little cruise yesterday with Allie holding Sean P. I never questioned the fact that she was hired help, cousin or not. Who the frick would hang out with Poontang 24/7 without getting paid? The very thought is absurd. But, Avril would have to pay me 10 times as much as Britney to hang out with her. At least with Brit you know there'd be a party..with Avril you'd just be subjected to black nail polish, knee length pirate pants and endless tirades about how hot she is. Besides, Britney probably leaves forgotten stash in every chair cushion, the quality and quantity would off set the annoying diaper changes. Cousin Allie needs a raise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Britney almost never holds her kids. Its always a glass.