Katie Holmes is currently filming “Mad Money” with co-star Adam Rothenberg, and it seems she likes the flirty scenes a little too much according to sources on the set...
"They shot a scene in which Adam wrapped his arms around Katie’s waist, then the two of them had an intimate discussion. They lingered after the director said ‘cut,’ and it got everyone talking. "
"There’s definitely been some off-camera flirting. One day, Katie was touching Adam’s arm while they were talking, like girls do when they like somebody."
I love this rumor, even if it turns out to be nothing, it will still piss Tom off. Look for Katie to be locked in the far wing of the mansion with a chastity belt and more Scientology minders. I have to say..damn, Adam Rotheenburg is hotter than The Little General anyday. Go for it Katie!
This one was taken by people on the set AFTER the director called cut and people were just standing around talking. Hmm.
that pic kind of reminds me of the one of Angie and Brad on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That was the photo that led to the tabloid sensation that is/was Brangelina.
Even though I dont know if Katie can exscape Xenu.
I agree with top post. It has probably been a long time since anyone held her in a heterosexual embrace. When I read that Katie will receive $25million for every biological child she begets Tom and Scientology; I became more convinced that Tom may have engineered yet another show of heterosexuality. I also think it's weird that Nicole and Tom just split and ended all contact. he is a freak!.
Penelope fell for Matt Mc.....during the filming of Sahara, so I am sure the thought must have entered Tom's enlightened mind. He better sacrifice to Xenu tonight for protection.
Her body language doesn't show comfort to me, though I can see why she would like comfort in her life. The warmth of a touch.
Her arms folded across her chest like that shows she's uncomfortable. If she was more relaxed the arms would come down.
Hurry Katie Cheat, you need to get some from a real man.
I bet you this will be her last movie she is ever in.
she looks uncomfortable and awkard
Folks this could be her last movie cause she is not a good actress, she is a d-lister, the batman movie she was in was terrible. She needs a man.
I think she's just excited to be in such close proximity to a guy who's taller than her.
Yeah, she looks like she is attempting to pull away, and he is hanging on. I agree, she's not a good actress.
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