Jessica (the worlds sexiest woman..pfft) want to be taken seriously.
She said: "I have my own fashion style and do not try to fit in. I don'thave my breasts under my chin, I'm not showing butt cheeks, nor much legs. Idon't go for the trendiest look."The 26-year-old recently claimed she wants to be a "serious actress", and does not want her movies to be all about "me in a bikini".
First of all, Jessica, I have seen very few pictures of you when you aren't in a bikini and you love that crawling on your hands and knees pose, ass to the pap cameras, so I don't quite know what your bitching about here. Second, if you want to be a serious actress I strongly suggest that you take some acting classes, find a script that doesn't call for you to be a cartoon character (in a bikini) or hire someone smarter than you to read scripts for you. Then audition, do a screen test, and beg for a job like real actors have to do.
You can't be a serious actress if you can't act and your only resume criteria is that you are a mental 12 year old who looks nice in a bikini to wanking internet pervs. Do I have to tell these girls everything? Sigh.
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