Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jude Law is tired of his hotness

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Joining the Jessica Alba "I'm too freekin hot" self appreciation club, Jude Law says he want's to be an actor.

"I'm only wanted by directors for the image I give off, and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor not a beauty pageant winner."

Too bad, you're a beauty pagent winner. Now that he's dipped his wick in Lindsay Lohan he can probably add another title. "Pretty boy man ho." I don't think this guy will age well, so he really needs to get over himself.


Anonymous said...

well I did think he was a hottie but since reading he was with Lindsay, I must admit my thoughts of him have depleated, but I still think he is not all that bad - maybe it is his accent - love brit's and he does have gorgeous eyes and smile.


Anonymous said...

I never understood why people thought he was "HAWT" anyway. I guess I just have a different taste in men.
~Casey J~