Last we heard, Keira wanted Beth Ditto's body, now she wants to stop being famous.
"The celebrity thing is completely crazy. I think I just have to move away or give it up altogether. I couldn't have kids in the situation I'm in now. But I could just do something else. That's probably what's going to happen. I'm just not so hungry any more. I made a decision very recently that I wanted a life instead."
Ummm, then go get a life. The more she talks the stupider she sounds. Why the hell do these people get into acting and instead of appreciating the fact that someone hired them, bitch about being rich and famous?? Go work as a waitress or a secretary then, who gives a crap? It wouldn't break my heart not to do the weekly "idiotic things KN says" spot. Go find out how much being an anorexic shit talker pays. There's your calling.
I think her weight loss giving her a skeleton body is totally affecting her brain.
You're talking common sense DD, which is not a celebrity strong point.
If she truly wants children (which I doubt - remember when Paris was talking about having them?), she'd better get her weight up to the point where she is having regular periods, again. Anorexia plays hell with the menstrual cycle.
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