Okay, I keep reading about Mansons new vampire video and I saw a little clip of it and, well, I know I'm sick, but what I saw was pretty hot. I just can't help myself, I love Mansons music. But, gossip is, the video also contains some hard hits at his ex, Dita Von Teese who we all pretty much love here. There are scenes of Manson and his teen whore, err, girl friend, Evan Rachel Wood making love covered in blood. That's the one I saw, but, I didn't know that he used a copy of the real bed he and Dita had shared when they were married. That's a low blow. There is also a scene where he shoots a Dita look alike in the face. Now, that's just mean and really creepy. WTF is his problem??
Rumor has it that top European designers who LOVE Dita are not giving Manson any more free designer duds or bling. Looks like he was just a little too mean to his ex and now he has to pay for stuff like the rest of us. I wonder how much goat blood and cartoony skull shirts cost?
Looks like baldy has a severe case of midlife crisis. How many years did he -crisissed- back to act like such a baby?
He ain't no Eminem
i seen it too and did no think it was hot at all. she is pretty, but he is really god awful feminin, ugly, skinny and creepy. seeing them kiss was like watching a 12 year old get raped - only grosser. neither of them looked all that into it anyway. that is because evan is not a man and marilyn is not human
I agree with the "Marilyn isn't human" part. *shudder*.
Dita made him see himself for what he really was and this is him retaliating. She had the sense to get out and that's what matters. He can be sulky and childish all he wants. She'll move on to better things.
Marilyn apparently subscribes to the belief that if you add blood to something, it automatically becomes art.
6AM Christmas morning, yep I think Dita stated it was over Christmas Eve. I wonder what kind of shape Evan is going to be in by the time she's 25.
I will pass on the bed scene.
Here's the Dresden Dolls instead:
WTF is wrong with him? Look at the guy! Where do I begin?
First of all I don't know what silly spell he put Dita under to make the Beauty love the Beast. Secondly......he is (and always has been) utterly DISGUSTING. Poor Racheal-She is completely ruining her film career to star in sick vampire porn. Go Dita. Marilyn -you are a bacteria
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