Sunday, June 24, 2007

Angelina Jolies kids wear hand me downs

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In some respects these kids are normal. Who doesn't wear hand me downs when there's four kids in a family? But, before you go telling me how great Angelina is for acting like every mom in the world, realize that Black Sabbath T-shirt is vintage and probably cost at least 300 bucks. Still cute though. Vintage tee's are the rage right now, so check your closets.


Anonymous said...

Question- Have we ever seen Z in "Girl" clothes (besides her bathing suit) like skirts or dresses or pink and purple.

Anonymous said...

Brad wears the girl clothes in that family.

Anonymous said...

Crabbie , you are killing me ( LMAO !!! ) Brad is a mimbo for sure !

and these two orphans look feral to me , the little african one is flava flav's kid , I am convinced !!

Anonymous said...

why she gotta dress the orphans...well like orphans?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the kids have their own taste and like to share clothes. Why not? Maybe Z is a tomboy. I was when I was a kid and hated wearing girlie clothes.


Dirty Disher said...

I have no prob with the way her kids are dressed, it's cute and hip. But, I hear Angie has a major problem with the girlie stuff Brads mom sends for Shi. She hates it.